Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Escalator Post

The moral is?.....please respond below as a comment. I'd like to gauge interest in what we talked about as formative assessment....


  1. I believe the moral of the video is about how people are so dependent on others to do what they can accomplish if they just try a little. The idea that they could just walk themselves up the escalator didn't even cross their minds.

  2. I think that people take things for granted and do not know what to do when it is taken away from them.

  3. Patrick dawg, I be feelin' what you layin' down. My boy keeps it real.

  4. I think this video is showing our reliance on other people and technology rather then using common sense. Instead of taking the stairs, they try and take the easier way in life (the escalator)


  5. As James said before humans are becoming more and more dependant on other people and the technology we use every day.

  6. I think that this video shows how the people of today have become lazy because of technology and not using their heads to figure out problems for themselves.

  7. the moral of this video is to not take the easy way out to have initiative and to actually think about what you are doing so you can figure it out yourself and take action. Rather than just standing there yelling waiting on the world to do it for you.
